SHMIRA Public Safety
Always Dial 911, in any life-threatening emergency,
Then call Shmira Public Safety
Always Dial 911, in any life-threatening emergency,
Then call Shmira Public Safety
to provide enhanced hired armed security patrols in our neighborhoods over the upcoming holidays.
Shmira volunteers monitor the areas we serve, respond to reports of suspicious activity, and liaise with the police and other appropriate authorities. Shmira also supports other government and non-profits for the greater benefit of the entire community.
As a Community Public Safety organization, Shmira Public Safety assists the community by providing an overt presence to deter crime and trained observers to assist the police and other NGOs in creating a safe and secure neighborhood for our families and businesses.
This video provides a brief intro to Shmira Public Safety. Who we are, What we do, and how you help.
Learn more about us, in under 46 seconds, watch today.
While Los Angeles has been blessed with having multiple renditions of a Shmira or Shomrim type organization for the past decade, recent events have caused our community to reevaluate the needs and goals of such an organization. In 2022, a group of community leaders and public safety professionals came together to work on this project. The result was an entirely new organization called Shmira Public Safety. Throughout the latter half of 2022, and the beginning of 2023, the new organization established a Board of Directors, a new training curriculum, a revised and focused mission statement, and became an approved IRS 501(c)3 Not for Profit Charity.
Shmira Public Safety was established as real response to the rise in crime, specifically to those that affected the businesses and families of the heavily Jewish-populated areas that we primarily serve. In 2020, many individuals, groups, and organizations, including the original Shmira Civilian Patrol, Shomrim, and others, began patrolling the community to address the increased rioting, looting, and aggressive panhandling, as well as the increase in robberies, muggings, and hate incidents, that were affecting the quality of life and intimidating residents and tourists alike.
The New Shmira Public Safety has built upon those early efforts and incorporated them into a unified professional organization, providing training, accountability, and focus. In addition to providing an overt presence of trained uniformed volunteers throughout our community, Shmira Public Safety has been focused on increasing its relationships and working in tandem with Law Enforcement and other Public Safety organizations in our area. We strongly believe that the more we work together, the more we can all do for our community.
The word "Shmira" comes from the biblical Hebrew word that means "Safeguarding." As active members of the community, we believe that it is our duty to safeguard our entire community, for all our residents and guests. While Shmira Public Safety is primarily funded and staffed out of the Jewish community, we are here to serve our entire community, irrespective of faith or affiliation.
Shmira Public Safety is currently accepting applications for our next training class.
Applications are open to those who work or live in the Pico/Robertson, Hancock Park/La Brea, Tarzana/Reseda, or Valley Village/North Hollywood neighborhoods.
Membership is open to all persons (21+), irrespective of gender, race, or religion.
All applicants must pass a detailed background check prior to being accepted.
Shmira Public Safety is not a licensed Private Patrol Operator (PPO, security company).
Our members operate in good faith and in accordance with local, state, and federal laws.